Page 106 - 07-Kovalchuk
P. 106
Ірина Ковальчук – Бджоли: біоіндикатори довкілля
Iryna Kovalchuk
It is well-known that melliferous bees are the most sensitive indicators of ecologic
conditions of natural environment. Researches in recent years show that bees and bee
products can accumulate selectively some heavy metals, radioactive substances,
pesticides and other polluters. Scales of heavy metals accumulation on the territory of
Ukraine, as toxins of technologic origin unfortunately increase. Environmental pollution
by heavy metals leads to their accumulation in plant and animal raw materials and
production, consequently their quality decreases. It was proved that apiary
accommodation in heavy metal polluted territories leads to their accumulation in pollen,
honey bee-comb and wax. But the questions concerning study of peculiarities of sources,
ways of pollution and heavy metals content in bee products are not enough lightened, and
that was the purpose of our work.
Generalized we present in literature information and results of our researches
about the use of bees and bee products in quality of bioindicator contamination of
environment by heavy metals. Dependence of content of heavy metals is set in the
organism of bees in relation intensity of greening to contamination of environment. It is
marked on the necessity of lead through of systems research in relation to determination
of content of heavy metals in fabrics of bees and bee products with the purpose of search
of new methodological approaches for authentication these toxicant of objective
environment of contamination and him apimonitoring. Methodological elements of the
researches of regularities of heavy metals and lipids content in the tissues of different
anatomic sections of the organism and bee products were elaborated.