Page 132 - 09-Lisovyy
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                             Николай Лесовой, Дина Лисогурская, Леонора Адамчук ‒
                                 Продуценты пади и характеристика падевого мёда


                     Mykola Lisovyy, Dina Lisohurska, Leonora Adamchuk

               Dew – sugar-containing secretions of sucking herbivorous insects. The most significant
               representatives  of  these  insects  for  beekeeping  belong  to  the  order  of  arthropods
               (Rhynchota). In central Europe, these are aphids of the genus Lachnus and robber flies of
               the  genus  Lecania.  The  most  important  coniferous  plants  for  honeydew  growers  are
               Picea abies, Abies alba, various species of Pinus sp. and Larix sp.; deciduous trees include
               Quercus sp., Tilia sp. and Acer sp. Freshly isolated dew is transparent like water, contains
               5–18 % dry matter, has a specific gravity of 1.0 to 1.3, pH 5.1–7.9 and a total nitrogen
               content of 0.2–1.8 % dry matter. Under the influence of air, the droplets change color, the
               concentration  of dry matter, depending on the  air humidity, can rise  to 30–50 % and
               higher.  The  content  of  carbohydrates  in  honeydew  is  90–95 %  of  dry  mass.  The
               monograph describes the species of insects that are producers of dew, the composition of
               honeydew honey from different countries of the world is given. The methodology for
               studying the presence of dew in honey is described. The research results of samples of
               Ukrainian honeydew honey and their pollen spectrum are presented.

               Key  words:  dew,  honeydew,  dew  honey,  honeydew  producers,  composition  of  dew
               honey, properties of honeydew

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